Nagaland University

3rd International Conference on Biologically Inspired Techniques in Many-Criteria Decision-Making (BITMDM-2024) Technologies

Paper Submission


Papers will be reviewed using a double-blind review process. Two reviewers will be selected for each paper to provide their comments and suggestions before we can move along with their recommendations regarding acceptance/rejection. The Technical Chairs and Program Chairs will then make a final recommendation as: Accept or Reject

Double-Blind Reviewing

The review process, i.e., reviewers, will not know the author’s identity (and vice versa). Authors should ensure their anonymity in the submitted papers. In brief:

– Authors’ names should not be included in the submitted pdf;

– Please refer to your prior work in the third person wherever possible;

– A reviewer may be able to deduce the authors’ identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the web. The availability of information on the web that may allow reviewers to infer the authors’ identities does not constitute a breach of the double-blind submission policy.

Note:  Anonymizing your paper is mandatory, and papers that explicitly or implicitly reveal the authors’ identities may be rejected.

Paper Submission Guidelines

  • Please read the following paper submission guidelines before submitting your paper (s):
  • Each paper should not reveal the author’s identity (see double-blind review process above).
  • Please ensure that the plagiarism is less than 15%.  The Program Committee reserves the right to desk-reject a paper if it contains elements that are suspected to be plagiarized.
  • Submissions should be original and not currently under review at another venue.
  • Each paper is limited to 10 pages, including figures, tables, and references. A maximum of two extra pages per paper is allowed.
  • All papers must be submitted to the email ( or CMT link : (
  • In order for your papers to be included in the program and in the proceedings, final accepted papers must be submitted, and the corresponding registration fees must be paid by the deadline posted in Important Dates.
  • New authors cannot be added at the time of submitting final camera-ready papers. Please ensure that you are following this guideline to avoid any issues with publication.
  • Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature or be unique experience reports.
  • We accept files in .docx/.doc/.pdf/Latex PDF format – as per the call for papers schedule
  • In the initial submission, please do not enter author details, university, country information or any other author-related information in the paper to be in line with the double-blind peer review process. This information should be supplied using the online submission form or cover letter in case of email submission.
  • Papers should be thoroughly checked and proofread before submission. After you submit your article, you cannot make any changes to it during the refereeing process—although if accepted, you will have a chance to make minor revisions after the refereeing and before the final submission of your paper.
  • At the time of camera-ready submission, please include complete author information as per the paper format.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Papers must be in English and not more than eight pages in single-column format.
  • Paper content must be original and relevant to one of the many conference topics.
  • Authors are required to ensure the accuracy of quotations, citations, diagrams, maps, and tables.
  • Figures and tables need to be placed where they are to appear in the text and must be clear and easy to view.
  • Papers must follow format according to the downloadable template

Review Process

The review process will be double-blind. Therefore, please anonymize your submission. This means that all submissions must contain no information identifying the author(s) or their organization(s): Do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s) at the start of the paper, anonymize citations to and mentions of your own prior work that are directly related to your present work, and do not include funding or other acknowledgements.

At least two Technical Committee members will review each paper. The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, practical or theoretic impact, and presentation.

  • Original: the paper explores a new idea, project or issue; discusses existing research with the promise of new insight; discusses new research; or presents new ways of considering existing information.
  • Engaging: The presentation format will involve the audience in some way or has a high potential to attract conference attendees by addressing the needs of the community.
  • Significant: the paper raises and discusses issues important to improving the effectiveness of existing techniques, and its contents can be broadly disseminated and understood.
  • Quality: claims are supported by sufficient data; claims draw upon relevant literature; and limitations are described honestly.
  • Clear: the intended outcomes of the paper are easily understood.
  • Relevant: the paper addresses one or more of the themes of the conference.

Post Conference Publication and Indexing

BITMDM- 2024 proceedings will be published in the Springer series “Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies”. Book Series is Indexed in: SCOPUS, EI Compendex, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), SCImago, DBLP, Web of Science, subject to approval.

Best Paper/Poster Awards

The Conference Awards are presented to the authors who have written the best paper or poster appearing in the conference proceedings. Recipients are presented with a certificate that describes the award. The awards are announced and bestowed during the conference closing session.

Submission process

Submit the paper with complete details via email to:

or By using the Microsoft CMT link: 

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