Nagaland University

3rd International Conference on Biologically Inspired Techniques in Many-Criteria Decision-Making (BITMDM-2024) Technologies

Program Co-Chairs

Dr. Satchidananda Dehuri,Professor, Department of I & CT, F. M. University, India.

Dr. Margarita Favorskaya, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Er. Teisovi Angami, Department of Information Technology, Nagaland University, India.

Er. Ramesh Singh, Dept. of Comp. Science Engineering Nagaland.

Dr. Prabhakar Sharma, Professor, Department of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Nagaland University, India.

Dr. Rajkrishna Mondal, Asst. Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Nagaland University, India.

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